coronavirus covid-19coronavirus covid-19
©coronavirus covid-19

COVID 19 information

The tourist office of Belledonne-Chartreuse offers you the following services. This is an overview of the information and assistance already announced, in order to guide you through the process.

Dear partner,

In this particularly sensitive period for those involved in tourism, culture and events, the Belledonne-Chartreuse Tourist Office offers you an overview of the information and assistance already announced, in order to guide you through the process.

Who to contact to help you?

To help you with all your procedures, there is a single government contact: the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes DIRECTORATE 04 72 68 29 69
A single point of reference for Chambers of Commerce and Industry: Entreprises-coronavirus@ccifrance.fr01 44 45 38 62
For the CMA: InfoCovid19@cma-france.fr01 44 43 43 85
A special mailbox has also been set up by the DGE:
– For employers and self-employed workers who encounter difficulties in declaring or paying their taxes, URSSAF also provides you with information:

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region launches a plan to support the economy

The Region has announced the implementation of a €600 million support plan, including €252 million in direct support. It includes in particular:

– 20 million euros for tourism and accommodation businesses: The Region will temporarily cover part of your costs and financial charges linked to loans taken out to carry out works, up to €5,000 per business. The regulations specifying the terms and conditions and the link to the platform for submitting applications will be operational shortly.

– 15 million for event industry stakeholders
– 15 million euros for cultural stakeholders

An emergency number provides information for businesses: 0805 38 38 69Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
If you can’t reach the number, a contact form:
To find out more and submit a file:

At national level, complementary measures have been announced by the Ministry of Economy:

The postponement of social and/or fiscal deadlines (URSSAF, taxes);

– If necessary, a debt spreading plan with the support of the State and the Banque de France;

– Obtaining or maintaining a bank loan via Bpifrance, which will guarantee all cash loans that companies may need due to the epidemic;

– The financing of employees through the mechanism of partial unemployment;

– Support in dealing with conflicts with customers or suppliers;

– The State considers the Coronavirus as a case of force majeure. For all state public contracts, penalties for delays will not be applied;

In addition, “the ministers asked the major principals to show solidarity with their suppliers and subcontractors who may find it increasingly difficult to obtain supplies and meet delivery deadlines”.

To find out more about national schemes:


Professional federations of the tourism sector

Finally, the professional federations of the tourism sector have also updated their information and advice systems for their members, and offer more specific information and services, in particular:

– UMIH : L’épidémie Coronavirus : conséquences et aides pour les entreprises
– GNI : Les nouvelles mesures en faveur des hôtels, restaurants, discothèques et traiteurs organisateurs de réception.
– Entreprises du Voyage : Réunion avec les acteurs économiques sur le coronavirus Covid-19 à BERCY
– UNIMEV : Les mesures de soutien aux entreprises
– FNHPA : Les mesures d’accompagnement des professionnels de l’hôtellerie de plein air

The European Union is committed:

The European Union is putting in place measures to support the European economy. The Medef provides an overview of these measures and of the European and international situation for the management of COVID-19. More information on the action of the European Union against Covid-19

To stay informed A toll-free number has been set up to answer any questions about Covid-19, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 0800 130 000

To find out the Government’s recommendations on the measures in force on French territory:

Your company’s activity is impacted by the Coronavirus COVID-19

Find the technical sheets on support measures and useful contacts to accompany you below.

Order issued pursuant to Article 11 of the emergency law n° 2020-290 of 23 March 2020 to deal with the covid epidemic-19


We will of course keep you informed of the next deadlines and remain at your disposal and at your disposal during this period.
